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About Ali Marie

Ali Marie is a wife, mom, chauffeur, a consultant in the corporate world all while being an avid reader and writer. Currently living in Georgia with her family, her roots are in South Texas. Her husband and 2 kids keep her busy with life enjoyments as well as their three dogs. Mostly her basset hound Charlie Bulleit who loves to go everywhere with her and keeping up with his own Instagram.


The love for writing has always been there, but now as she approaches her prime age, she has decided to tap into it professionally and see where it takes her. Loving to dabble in second chance romances and fates aligning for love; her stories look to find the depth of her characters and the world they live in along with the circumstances they find themselves in.


She fights to find family time in their busy lives and to travel. Spare time at home is cuddling up with a good book, glass of bourbon, and her dog or having movie nights with her kids.



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